Sunday, June 19, 2011

Exfoliation With Out Damaging Irritation: Age Management For Healthy Skin

Exfoliation has long been used as a means to attempt renewing the skin, doing so by irritating the skin to exfoliate the outer dead layer of the skin called the stratum corneum. Acids are commonly used to cause the irritation, and most often the acid is glycolic acid. While there is no question that glycolic acid induced irritation and exfoliation can have short term benefits, the long term effects of glycolic acid may be damaging and lead to premature aging of the skin. Although the long term effects of glycolic acid are poorly studied, a few papers do show deleterious effects. Therefore, if non-irritating  and safe alternatives to glycolic acid are available, I suggest using the alternatives rather than the glycolic acid.

Recently a new non-irritating exfoliating product has come to market called Moisturizing Night Cream by BioRegenerative Sciences, Inc. of San Diego, CA, for whom I am a member of the scientific advisory board. The philosophy at BRS is that “healthy skin is beautiful skin,” and everything we do is to make the skin healthy, and not damage the skin. Therefore the exfoliating products of BRS do not contain glycolic acid, rather the Moisturizing Night Cream contains naturally derived products that are normally found in the skin that super moisturize the skin and gently induce exfoliation without irritation.

I’ve personally used the product for many months during testing, and can say the product performs exactly as intended. When the Moisturizing Night Cream is used with Vital Serum from BRS, the results are remarkable. People ask me what I’ve done to look so young. While I always recommend proper nutrition, exercise, sufficient sleep, and supplementation…I recommend supplementation from within by ingesting vitamins, minerals, omega-3 fatty acids, and anti-oxidants, but I also recommend supplementation with high quality topical such as the cosmeceuticals from BioRegnerative Sciences. 

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