Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Eye Drops For Dry, Irritated Dry Eye Condition

Dry eye syndrome, or keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS) is an eye disease in which the amount, or the evaporation of tear film is increased, or most importantly the quality of tear production is decreased. The translation of  "keratoconjunctivitis sicca" from Latin is "dryness of the cornea and conjunctiva".  Essentially dry eye syndrome is a chronic lack of sufficient lubrication, proteins, and moisture on the surface of the eye. Consequences of this condition range from subtle but constant irritation to severe ocular inflammation of the anterior tissues of the eye leading to disturbed vision.

Dry eyes can be exacerbated by smokey environments, dust and air conditioning and by our natural tendency to reduce our blink rate when concentrating. Purposefully blinking, especially during computer use and resting tired eyes are basic steps that can be taken to minimise discomfort. Rubbing one's eyes can irritate them further, so should be avoided. Conditions such as blepharitis, an infection of the lid margins, can often co-exist and paying particular attention to cleaning the eyelids morning and night with mild shampoos and warm compresses can improve both conditions.

Dry, drafty environments and those with smoke and dust should be avoided. This includes avoiding hair dryers, heaters, air conditioners or fans, especially when these devices are directed toward the eyes. Wearing glasses or directing gaze downward, for example, by lowering computer screens can be helpful to protect the eyes when aggravating environmental factors cannot be avoided. Using a humidifier,especially in the winter, can help by adding moisture to the dry indoor air. For mild and moderate cases, supplemental lubrication is an important part of treatment. Application of artificial tears every few hours can provide minor and temporary relief.
A new methodology for treating dry eye is now available from BioRegenerative Sciences. Using the molecules from stem cells in the eye that normally provide the proteins to the tears, the new product called I-Ease restores the quality of the tear film by restoring the proteins normally found in the film. These stem cell derived proteins in I-Ease not only protect the eye, but also help induce a healing response. People with severe dry eye, post-lasik irritation, contact lens irritation, diabetic cornea, corneal transplants, ulcerated corneas, and glaucoma patients with irritated eyes have all benefited greatly from I-Ease. I-Ease is much more efficacious than Restasis for dry eye, and unlike Restasis, has no side effects and no stinging. I know first hand this is a great product!


  1. I am already using herbal treatments for my eyes but sometimes go for herbal eye drops in rainy seasons. Dry Eyes Syndrome Treatment
